Former & Latter
The Sabbath
Passport Destination No. 1
God's Plan for Perfection
God grants perfect rest to all who keep the Sabbath holy
Story Destinations:
From Creation
to Heaven
The Sabbath, known as the 7th day of creation, is a day that completes creation as opposed to a day thought to simply be without creation. The Sabbath, therefore, is divinely integrated into every created thing as a reflection and characteristic of God, Creator of the universe.
The Sabbath was, is, and continues to be the world's divine clock and calendar. God not only timestamped His creation (day one, day two, etc.), He designed His creation to keep His time through the keeping of the Sabbath. Ever since the fall of Adam and Eve, God has been at work to redeem and restore His family to His Sabbath rest. Every week, we are invited to remember the Sabbath by keeping it holy!
Three Reasons to Keep the Sabbath
God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it He rested from all the work of creating that He had done.
Genesis 2:3
The Sabbath occurs every seventh day completing one week. This 7th day was blessed by God like all other creation days. However, it is the only day of the week declared holy, set apart as different from the other 6 days. The Sabbath serves as a perpetual rhythm of work and rest for God's creation. Thus, the Sabbath is the first and only Biblical holiday given to us in perfection before the fall and sin of man.
Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is a sabbath to the LORD your God.
Exodus 20:8-10
The Sabbath is not simply a day of nothingness since rest has a profound purpose. Failure to rest means failure of work! The 4th commandment actually serves as a reminder to live 6 days with foresight and intention so that you may be ready to enter the Sabbath rest. Since slaves do not get days off, God invites His family to live in the freedom of Sabbath (rest) as a reminder that we are not slaves to this fallen, sinful world.
Then He [Yeshua] said to them, "The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath."
Mark 2:27
The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath (Mark 2:27). In Genesis 1:26-30, Adam and Eve were given dominion over fish, birds, livestock, and every seed-bearing plant. They were not granted authority over the Sabbath, rather the Sabbath is purposed to shepherd and govern man. Therefore, man is not permitted to change when and how this day is to be kept holy.
A Prayer for the Sabbath
Dear Heavenly Father,
How wonderful is Your creation that You spoke into existence! Your design, patterns, creativity, and purposes are beyond imagination. All creation testifies to Your perfect character and masterful workmanship. Please forgive me for being neglectful to keep the Sabbath holy. Forgive me if I have attempted to legalize it by adding burdensome obligations that do not align with the gift of rest You offer. Thank you for keeping Your promise to give us rest, renewal, and healing if we come to You. LORD, help me to live each day with intention and foresight so that my family and I can enjoy the blessings of the Sabbath. Give me eyes to see how You want our family to make each Sabbath a holy day, set apart for You. AMEN!
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If you are a registered Former & Latter family member, check your bags (inbox) for your passport. Not a member yet? Sign up here.
Now Boarding for the Sabbath!
Attention all family members...Now is the time to get those passports out and look at your Sabbath itinerary. You will see a list of suggested destination experiences for you and your family to choose from and complete in order to earn your Sabbath stamp. Enjoy this first part of the journey together and check back here when you are ready to plan your next Biblical holiday destination. Remember to contact your tour guide (me!) if you have any questions along the way.
Plan your next destination.
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